Book online below or Call/text your desired stylist for availability. Please include: full name, picture of your current hair, details or picture of the desired service, and requested day and time for your appointment. Your stylist will respond as soon as possible.

Please note that some of our stylists book 2-3 weeks in advance. If your desired appointment is not available, please call the salon so that we can add you to our waitlist.

A $50-$75 deposit is required for all new clients. This deposit will go towards the cost of your services. It is non-refundable if appointments are canceled 48 hours or less, prior to appointment time. If deposit is not sent and no communication is made by client, the stylist reserves the right to cancel that appointment.

For more information, please visit our Contact page to reach a Salon Tribeca Stylist.


Desiree Rosillo Owner

909.762.5812 :: @hairbydesireerosillo

Summer Garfias909.684.1439 :: @summergarfiashair

Summer Garfias

909.684.1439 :: @summergarfiashair

Jessica Martinez

909.904.8388 :: @1jessicamartinez1

Ashley Rouse

909.213.6861 :: @ashleyrouse


Jenna Babani

909.996.7758 :: @jennababani

Nicky Navarro

805.704.2004 :: @_nicole_t

Rebecca Ortega

999.938.0343 :: @hairbyrebecca134

Claudia Vasquez909.979.4949 :: @hair_thug

Claudia Vasquez

909.979.4949 :: @hair_thug


Erica Yanez, Spanish Speaking

909.851.2964 :: @erica_stylez

Whitney Shinedling909.938.1020 :: @hairby.whit

Whitney Shinedling

909.938.1020 :: @hairby.whit

Steven Valadez

909.997.6916 :: @steven_noirhair

Crytsal Segura

909.234.9710 :: @crystalshair_in_wonderland



909.682.4980 :: @shyscanvas

Esther, Spanish Speaking

626.377.2985 :: @hairsorcerybyastralkat_

Barber, Mark Yanez

Mark Yanez (Barber), Spanish Speaking

909.938.1474 :: @may2d2

Mayra Alejandra, Spanish Speaking

909.714.2989 :: @hairbymayra_a


Cinthya, Spanish Speaking

626.862.4798:: @hairstylesbycinthya

Crystal Granados-Sanchez

909.609.6420:: @crystal_jasmine

Joey Garza, Spanish Speaking

909.471.1924 :: @perkfectionhair


Tania Dababneh-Heagle

626.422.4050 :: @taniastylesyou

Hani Ebrahem

909.257.1671 :: @hairstylesbyhani

Luie James

442.380.0.45 :: @avenueluhair

Savannah Flores

626.290.0459 :: @goldnstyles